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Article- Performance appraisal- objective, process and method


              Performance appraisal-  objective, process and method

Performance appraisal is process in which in which manager and employee work together to plan, monitor and review the work and an employee’s work objective and overhaul contribution to the organisation.
performance appraisal, also referred to as performance review, performance evaluation, career development discussion. An employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated.
Performance appraisal or performance review is a systematic process in which employee performance at work is evaluated in relation to the projects on which employee has worked and his contribution to the organisation. It is also known as an annual review or performance review.

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                                              Appraisal Review
Goal Setting- First step in the performance appraisal is that Manager has to set the goal of his subordinate with discussion of his subordinate. Minimum goals to be five or maximum can be any number depends on company policy. Each goal to be given number. This to be set as per company policy that hat minimum number and maximum number will be assign to one goal. Goal to be measurable and easily achievable. Goal to be set with the mutual understanding of Manager and his subordinate.

Parts of performance appraisal- Performance appraisal is divided in two parts review of KRAs/Goals and review of competencies. This depends on the company policy that how much number to be assigned to KRAs and how much number to competencies. Most of the companies 80% number to KRAs and 20% number to competencies. Few companies 75% number to KRAs and 25% number to competencies but this totally depends on company policy.

Cycle of Performance appraisal- is more than just assigning ratings. It is a continuous cycle that involves planning work in advance so that expectations and goal can be set. Few organisations review the performance appraisal on quarterly bases, few half yearly bases and few on annually bases. It differs from company to company policy. Management should keep the records of all reviews quarterly, half yearly so that at the time of final appraisal no surprises should come. All appraisal reports to be signed by both manager and subordinate to avoid any dispute at the time of final review.

Role of Human Resource Department plays an important role in designing and implementing performance appraisals. Infact HR Team acts as mediator between the Functional Head or reviewing authorities and the employees. It is the human resource team’s responsibility to assure a smooth implementation of the appraisal processes.

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                                  Appraisal Review

Types of employee’s performance evaluation
1.    Numerical rating scale- Due to its simplicity this is the one of most widely used system and seems to be highly effective. It is also popular because it allows employer to measure employee performance on the bases of such as team work, communication, skill and reliability. A numerical rating scale is beneficial because a business can customise the system to rate whatever employees’ traits and characteristics.

2.    Objective Base- This is another method of evaluation system and a clear-cut way to track the progress of the individual employee. In objective base system manager with his subordinate discuss and set the target for achievement. They both agree for the specific goal for the employee to meet coupled with deadline. If the employee meets the objective, then it speaks highly of them and vice versa. This is perhaps the most black and white of all system and is practical way to monitor the overall success of the employee.

3.    360 – Degree appraisal- Let me explain 90-degree appraisal is review by appraiser and appraiser (Immediate Bose) do not discuss with appraisee.180- degree appraisal is appraisee + appraiser (Immediate Bose)., appraiser discuss with appraisee at the time of review each and every goal.  270- degree appraisal is appraisee + appraiser (Immediate Bose) + reviewer (HOD/Functional Head) and A 360- degree appraisal feedback is taken from multiple parties his subordinate, co- worker, immediate boss and even vendors. The more information you collect, the more accurate the performance review becomes. This is time consuming comparing to first two techniques. Most employer prefer it because of unbiased data they receive.

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                               Appraisal review

4.    Critical Incidents -A method of performance appraisal involved identifying and describing specific events or incidents where the employee did something really well or some thing required improvement. For a critical incidents evaluation system to be effective, it’s important to keep detailed records.

 How to Give an Employee Performance Appraisal
1. Prepare your appraisal in writing. ...
2      Deliver your feedback in person. ...
3.    Relate the appraisal to your business's goals. ...
4.    Engage in a two-way dialogue. ...
5.    Emphasize opportunities for improvement. ...
6.    Set goals for the coming year.
                             Tavrida National Youth Educational Forum • President of Russia

                                          Appraisal Review
Needs of Performance appraisal

1.    To evaluate the performance of the employee.
2.    To give him increment.
3.    To give hie higher responsibility or promotion.
4.    For his development in the career.
5.    To guide him where he needs improvement.

Advantages of Performance Appraisal
1. A systematic appraisal system helps the managers to properly identify the performance of employees in a systematic .
2. It helps the management to place the right employees for the perfect jobs depending on their skills in particular areas.
3. It helps employees identify the areas in which they need to improve.
4. Potential employees are often given promotions on the basis of or the results of performance appraisals.
5. It creates healthy competition among employees as they will try to improve their performance and score better than their colleagues.
6. Managers use appraisal programmed to identify the grievances of employees and act upon them.
7. Keeping extensive records of performance appraisal will give managers a very good idea of which employees have the highest growth rate and declining rate of performance.
Disadvantages of Performance Appraisal
1.    Sometimes, equal weightage is not given to important factors when performing an appraisal.
2.    Some objective factors are very vague and difficult to gauge like attitude and initiative. There is no scientific method to measure these factors.
3.    Managers are sometimes not qualified enough to correctly assess the employees and their abilities. Thus, these mistakes can be very detrimental to the growth of the company.
4.    Sometime Managers do some favour to some employee and neglect other do his likes and dis likes. This is not a good method of review system. This damage the system of the organisation.

                               Free Images : feedback, survey, review, best, evaluation, rating ...

                                       Final Appraisal

Employee evaluation are critical component of running nearly any business and having a effective measurement system in place helps you to get the most from your staff. Beside this evolution helps you recognise worker achievement, objectively compare multiple employees and identify area where improvement is needed.   It helps the managers place the right employees for the right jobs, depending on their skills. Often, employees are very curious to know about their performance details and compare it with their fellow colleagues and how they can improve upon it. So, every company needs a good performance appraisal system.


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