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Employee retention means the ability of an organization to retain its employees. However, many consider employee retention as relating to the efforts by which employers attempt to retain the employees in their workforce. Retention of a positive and motivated employee is very important for the organization's success.
Retention of Retention of a positive and motivated employee in the today in the organisation is organisation is big challenge for the Management. Putting all efforts Management is unable to retain high profile candidate, self-motivated, goal oriented, positive thinking and productive candidates
Due to hight turnover of work force organisation is losing its talent and unable to meet the target in time.

Reasons why employee leave the organisation-
a). Lack of Recognition- Recognition for a job well done is a crucial element of employee engagement and retention. Management should appreciate, reward and nominate/vote for the employee of the month for excellent contribution in the organisation.
b). Salary is a big factor in retention, but even well compensated employees who aren't recognized for their hard work are much less likely to stick around than those who are recognise.
c). Work culture and work environment- Work culture is the one of the most critical factors for retention of employee. When employees donot find the conducive environment for work. If there is late working environment, boss use unparliamentary language while discussion with employee. Management donot resolve their grievances regarding hours of work, facility during work, overtime, leave wages etc.
d). Relation with Boss. —this is the main factor that most of employee leave the organisation that they donot have good relation with Bose. Bose donot recognise him for the good work, never appreciate him. Always give bullshit without any reason. Maximum employee donot leave due to salary. They leave due to bad relation with boss.


Relation with boss
e). Favourism– This is also one of the reasons that employee leave the organisation that management do favour to some of the employees. Donot give due recognition. At the time of appraisal, increment, promotion they do favour to some of the employees to whom they like to due to some person reasons, not due to contribution in the work.
f). Job Satisfaction-is also when of the reason that employee leave. They donot get ample opportunity of learning, donot find good culture and good working environment. Late working environment. Not getting good compensation comparing to his co-worker who is not a good performer at work.
g). Not Developed- the reason why good employees quit is because they are not being developed. They donot have the better learning opportunity. They are not being given training. Employees value their careers and wants the opportunity to advance. Managers who provide their employees opportunities to develop their careers are in a good position to retain their employees
h). Better career opportunity- Employees value their careers and wants the opportunity to advance. Managers who provide their employees opportunities to develop their careers are in a good position to retain their employees
i) Location preference-Less salary person left the job due to location preference, when they get the job near to their native place, to save the house rent and travel charges they leave the job. This factor donot work for highly paid employees.
j).  Lack of respect- one reason why good employees quit is that they don't feel like they're respected or trusted at work. Employees may perceive this lack of respect in many ways—it could be the way that they're spoken to, the kind of work they receive, or the way their managers oversee their work
k). A lack of career growth -is one of the biggest reason’s workers leave their jobs, Employees value their careers and wants the opportunity to advance. Managers who provide their employees opportunities to develop their careers are in a good position to retain their employees.

These are the few tips to retain the talent in the organisation-
a). Training- Training is one reason of the reason that you can retain your employee. Most of the employer donot train their employee due the fear that competitor will hire him. They donot think that if employee donot leave the organisation and is not being trained. He will not give the desire output to the organisation. Employee should be given better training to give desire output, being committed to organisation.

B). Appreciation- In order to retain talent, you must make them feel appreciated, respected and worthwhile. Recent studies show that when employees feel undervalued and unappreciated, they look for other employment. They need to feel that their contributions to the business are important.


c). Better career opportunity- Employees value their careers and wants the opportunity to advance. Managers who provide their employees opportunities to develop in their careers and provide clear the career pathing and employee development, their employee are more committed to work, give more output. stay long with organisation.
d) Trust and respect- Employees want they are respected and appreciated. The manager who trust and respect their employees, can build good team. Manager can get good out put from his employee. If employee is trusted and respected will be committed to organisation work, will stay long with organisation.


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